Today I thought about how much our family has changed this past year. The kids have really grown, probably Noelle the most because she was a baby with a pacifier at the beginning of the year and now she's a walking, talking toddler with a major attitude! Julia has changed a lot also, she has developed a taste for clothes, the color pink, fixing her hair pretty, dancing and singing. Macy changed to a school girl. She loves her teacher and the classroom setting, but usually gets off of the bus at night in tears because she "misses mommy". She loves, loves, loves animals. It is fun to watch her love for animals grow. Caden is all boy. He has grown strong and tall this past year. He loves to be outside, with his dad, wrestling his sisters (usually hurting one of them), or using his hands to take apart and put back together things with very small pieces.
Caden at ages 7 and 8
Macy at 5 and 6
Julia at 2 1/2 (08) and 3 1/2 (09)
Noelle at 10 months (08) and 22 months (09)
Christmas 2008 and 2009
Josh and I are definately older and wiser than we were last year! HA!
We made big changes this year by leaving Josh's job and a stable life in Northern Iowa to be small business owners in a rural community in Southern Iowa-back home for Josh. We trusted God to provide an easy transition and to bless our decision and he has definately been faithful in answering those prayers. Our hope is to continue to stand amazed and perplexed at what God is doing in our life. We know that many things will come and go in our lives throughout 2010, however one thing will remain the same...Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ will remain the same yesterday and today and forever."
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