Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh Where Oh Where have we been....?!!

I cannot believe January is nearing an end! I realized I have not made any posts this month, besides Noelle's haircut, and I haven't even taken any pictures since then! Sorry to my regular blog readers...we are still alive and active over here in Southern Iowa! a netshell....

We've been busy with good things such as KIDS, running a business (attempting to, anyway!), laundry (it just seems to never end), exercise (Josh and I both have New Years running goals!), and somehow squeezing in time with the Lord -- EVERDAY! -- or all of the above would take a nose dive!!

School has been awesome for the kids this year! Really, we sit amazed and perplexed (and exhausted) it possible to be exhausted AND in awe...the answer is YES! These little beings amaze us with brains that are sponges and personalities that seem to light up the sky! I keep calling Caden a 3rd grader :) he is constantly reminding me he is in 4th GRADE...I just can't believe it! He is a whiz kid...scoring straight A's on his report card this year. His "big" Christmas was a Nintendo DS, it was a battle for us because we are NOT video game friendly people...however, we found that he was playing someone else's on the bus...hmmm....realized with an hour bus ride we'd rather him play HIS OWN game--and then we are sure his hands and feet stay to himself...aka-less of throwing things and ornary boy things that take place on a bus ride (we've all been there, right!!)! We have refrained from activities in town--eventhough flag football and wrestling have knocked at our door with this growing boy, he has been very understanding as we continue to say "no". We know this compliance will not last forever, we will have to let this growing boy leave the house :) however, for now we are soaking up as much family time as we can w/out evening activities and such that seem to sweep through households! He is outside throwing around his football or batting rocks any chance he gets, we have barely had any snow and I have to admit we have missed it!

Macy is whiz #2...scoring E for Excellence in all of the above at school, she is an achiever and takes things very seriously. She recently did a report on the local Post Office, I'll have to post a picture as she constructed the Post Office out of a cardboard box. She loves to read the 'Puppy Place' book series and recently informed me that she's read all of her books 4 times (...BUY THE GIRL NEW BOOKS!!!). Her class has been doing the 'Little House on the Prairie' Series so she is taking a little bit of an interest in that but overall--she just has to be reading about a Puppy!! Macy loves to wrestle her brother and climb trees and get 'Mommy time'..she said to me, "You are always either with Julia or busy!" :( Any Mom knows those words are saddening to the mommy heart--however, any mom knows how difficult it is to manage time between kids. I really have to be intentional! She has recently had more UTI trouble, many of you know she had trouble as a younger little girl but she's been better for a couple of years but has recently has repeating infections again. The nurse looked at me and asked, "Well, is she drinking any water at all?!"....URRRRR I hadn't seen her take a single drink that whole day!!!....I was embarrassed-so a water bottle will now be on her school desk at all times!!!!

Julia is our drama girl! Always a story about 'relational' things at school..such as noone is playing with her or someone got in trouble or she wants jeans like someone in her class...oh joy!!! She has taken to Kindergarten so well and is still somewhat baby loveable and squeezable (soaking it up!!!). She is always first up in the morning and always on my tail to be helping in the kitchen. She has grown to love learning and thanks to her awesome teacher at school! She is reading little books to us and really, really, really trying hard to count perfectly to 100! She says the bus gives her a headache and she hits her head on the window on every bump! tooo funny!!!! Julia goes hard at everything and pretty much always has something to say!

Noelle is my side kick! She and I are the Lumberyard workers. She and I get in the truck everyday at 9:00 AM and head to Pulaski (10 miles away) to work with Daddy. She has come to know our sales reps and has counted about everything on the shelves once or twice. She loves to sweep and mop and very often gets a forklift ride! She has been a perfect 4th child, she goes with the flow! Josh and I have laughed so hard at her and are appreciating our time with her. She loves her sisters Leapster2 game and steals it as soon as she is on the bus! She will probably go to Pre-School next year but I'm unsure at this time where the Lord is leading us to do with her--we may just like her at our side to darn much :) She'll be 4 SOON! I'm sure I will actually take a picture on her birthday!!

As for Josh and I, we have become the best of business partners! I am working 9-3 everyday with him at our Lumberyard. Some days more, some days less...but we do not have anyone else hired right now, so I'm pretty much on call to help and do as Josh needs me. It is trying some days, but it is continually revealed to us the importance of my role in this small business adventure. We still rent Josh's Great Grandma's property for our living, and that has been a blessing. It is little maintenance and cozy and easy to clean (like one sweep through and BAM..CLEAN!), this is how I've managed to work and "do home". I've come to know a lot about PVC pipe, different grades of lumber..screws..caulking..hindges..steel siding..insulation..and our newest adventure is that we are now selling a line of Cabinets and actually sold our first two jobs in the month of January--this is exciting for us! (see We are learning, growing, and praying alot along the way!!

I guess I have answered "Oh Where oh Where have we been?!". Love you All!! Hope you are finding this New Year to be a Joy!! I promise the next post will be PICTURES and very little words! LOL!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Daddy took her for a haircut!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year from the Hill Kids!

Yah! They made it till New Years and I had to get a snapshot! Very grumpy and Macy says, "Never again!"....but for once (haha!) we tried to be fun parents. We attended a church party that lasted till mid-night. We had plenty of sugar and laughter to bring in the New Year!

Blessings to you in 2012!

Christmas and Caden turns 10!

We have had a fantastic week of family gatherings, food, presents, celebrating and savoring each moment. I really wasn't real good with my camera, but here are a few photos of favorite presents and Caden's birthday. The time off from school has just flown by! I have really enjoyed it and will have to gear up for bus time coming on Tuesday. It is very strange with such mild weather. We have been riding bikes and playing at the park this week, instead of usual Christmas break activities-such as snow ice cream and sledding. I guess we'll take what we get and keep plugging away!
We really can't believe Caden turned 10--that means some milestones such as 10 years of parenting... Yikes!