Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day

I have a tummyache from eating M&M's all day today! I guess that's what snow days are good for, right!? Caden and Macy have had plenty of M&M's too! Caden is home from school today because the weather is nasty outside.
C & M have been big buddies today. Macy is wearing Caden's old Green Bay jersey in order to match him.

Sliding on the ice was a favorite activity today. I slid around for a little while, but there is a fierce North wind...I don't know how they stand it for so long, but somehow kids manage to have more fun than adults!

Then there's Julia...who changed her clothes three times today because she kept playing in the kitchen sink and getting soaked. The 3rd time she attempted to dress herself. She ended up running around in her underwear yelling "NO" at me, because getting dressed wasn't going so well for her but she wouldn't let me help.

Hmmm...what will tomorrow bring?

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