Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gettin' Ready

Our neighbor plowed up our garden spot for us, so I am anxiously awaiting for my hubby to finish tilling so we can plant this years garden. It is one of our favorite family activities and teaches the kids about planting/harvesting/and healthy eating. The girls enjoyed playing in the tractor tire tracks today. They wore their white dress shoes and dresses and played "Grandma (Julia) and Grandpa (Noelle)".

You can see in the distance the beautiful countryside of which we live in Southern Iowa. It is such a fun time of year watching the hills turn green and the distant trees growing color. Here Julia is hollering out, "Come on, Grandpa!". What a hoot they are to watch!

Today Noelle said to me, "Mom, I happy!". Hmmm....maybe she saw me digging through the cupboards just to get my "make me happy" chocolate fix!

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's awesome! I did my first garden last year and loved it! This year we're renting so I have to ponder container gardening... not nearly as excited. :( Enjoy it extra for me!