Sunday, October 3, 2010

Go Panthers!

Josh and I are Panther fans, both being graduates from UNI and living several years of our married life in Cedar Falls. It is still "home" in many ways or at least an interest we can share and pass to our kids. We took our "Annual" family day to the Dome yesterday afternoon to cheer on the Panthers. It was a blast- including 5 bathroom trips for mom and 3 girls (that's waiting 20 minutes in line each time!) but hey-it was worth it just to be there. We went down onto the field afterwards. That was big stuff for an 8 year old boy! The girls just wanted to roll and roll on the was actually soft! We had a hotel room to stay overnight. A Single, King room was all I could get reserved on the drive up...we thought..oh well, the kids can just crash on the floor. Well, the lady at the front desk felt sorry for us having such a room full that we got upgraded to a "Romance Suite" for the same price $80.00!! Don't get any big romance going on but it made for a much roomy stay and less crabby parents!

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