Monday, February 18, 2013

She's 5!!!!!!!

Today is Noelle's 5th birthday! She has been waiting for an entire year to turn 5- it is finally the day! We had a couple of family celebrations over the weekend. She asked for a Sleeping Beauty cake with "NO PRINCE!". That is just fine with us to not have a prince around! Noelle is the sweetest girl you'll ever find. She is always thinking about others before herself and is still such a little thing, it is hard to accept that she will no longer be 4!
Every day she prays....." Thank you God for this good day."
It was a good day as we followed a snowplow in Northern Iowa to make it 2 hours late for her C-section! Noelle is our sidekick, she "works" at the Lumberyard and is a favorite to many customers. I think some come into the store just to see what she is doing! Noelle loves to dance, play barbies, color and cut, wrestle Caden, play dogs with Macy, and play house with Julia. She is very resilient and goes with the flow, no matter what her surroundings she makes the most of it. I just can't say it enough....what a sweetheart!!!
Thank you, God, for Noelle. You make everyday a good day!

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