Monday, September 1, 2008

Macy's Birthday Party!

Today we had an "animal" birthday party for Macy. Macy turns 5 this Wednesday. Macy wore doggy ears, and she was surprised when her Grandma Karla and her Great Grandmas Eunice and Evelyn showed up wearing animal noses and ears. They thought they should be animals if they were coming to an animal party!

Macy's cousin Leah read the birthday cards to her as she was opening presents.

I made Macy a dog birthday cake. It actually turned out really cute, but I cut the cake before I got a picture of it. Duh, me! Here is a picture of the headless dog cake.
We are praising God for Macy! Macy was very sick last week. She had a high fever from Tues. through Friday along with stomach and lower back pain, all because of a reoccuring urinary tract infection. She has a history of urinary tract infections, but just recently has been treated for 3 in a row. Finally, after the Dr.'s changing her antibiotic on Friday afternoon, her fever broke on Saturday. Her Dr. at the University of Iowa Pediatric Urology will be reviewing her medical records from the last couple of years in the next week, and we'll decide where to go from here. She has had alot of infections in her little body! We are thankful that she is feeling better. She is such a sweet girl and a blessing to our family! THANK YOU GOD FOR MACY!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Also happy first day of preschool. What an exciting day. You are going to do great! You are an awesome little girl. We love you. Have a great day! Julie P. and Family