Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Not much new at our house. It seems like we are just keeping up with the daily work of kids.
Here are a few pictures of the crew keeping busy!

The cat has not yet been squeezed to death or eaten by the dog. Julia carries it by the neck. At least it has quit hissing at her! I have learned that kittens and two year olds really don't go hand in hand.

Macy dressed up as "Princess Clara" today. She watched the Barbie Nutcracker movie, and immediately went to get dressed up for her Daddy.
Here is Caden having his after school snack today. He had a little bit of an attitude when he got home. So, I sent him back to the end of the driveway for a "do over". I told him to sit at the end of the drive until he decided to change his attitude. He went and sat there for awhile and then came back into the house all smiles and said to me, "Mom, my brain gets tired of being nice.".
I caught Noelle just hanging out in her highchair.
She was as content as can be watching the world go by.
My friend Lindsay Eekhoff and her little boy Griffin made each of the kids these door knob hangers last Christmas. Noelle was not born yet, but Noelle got her own in the mail today. Eventhough it isn't a good chew toy, I had to let her check it out. Thanks, Lindsay! It is really cute!!!

Josh is growing a hunting season beard...the funny thing is that Noelle looks so much like him I can picture Noelle with the beard everytime I look at her!!! Can you see it?
Last but not least....this is our squash harvest. 34 of these suckers...Woo, Hoo! Gold...Gold...Gold!

1 comment:

Brian & Erin Uglum said...

That cracks me up what Caden said about his brain. I love the things that kids say! Austin still pulls out some pretty funny stuff sometimes! It's so fun to see pics of your family! God bless you guys!