Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Our Jesse Tree Tradition

This is our fourth year of starting the Jesse Tree on December 1st. It has been amazing to see the changes in my kids as the years go by. This year Caden or Macy can read the devotional and it will be a race between 3 kids to hang the ornament on the tree-probably 4 once Noelle catches on. I am extremely thankful for Sally Baker at Orchard Hill Church in Cedar Falls for developing this project! I know many of you reading my blog are also "Jesse Tree" users during the Christmas season--WOOHOO!

There are 25 ornaments each resenting a different story/person of the Bible. Each day in December you hang an emblem and read about the story...such as yesterday was Adam with an apple to hang and today was Noah with a little rainbow made of beads. December 25th before we open our gifts we will hang a Butterfly and talk about Gods greatest gift ever-Jesus! My kids eat this up! It is a fantastic tool in our household to remind us of the one and only reason for Christmas!

Whether this or something else, I pray you have a tool in your household to use this month to keep your hearts and minds away from all the fluff the world gives to the Christmas season.


Kimber Van Essen said...

AWESOME!!! We have ours out too. The kids love it - and Silas is very into hanging the ornaments this year. We have to take turns each night. We will think of you when we are doing ours!

Nichole Musselman said...

Emily...could I have your address? I tried to email you, but that must have changed too! Thanks

Pink Scissors Design said...

My family celebrates with a Jesse Tree, too! I make my ornaments out of felt. Have a look here: