Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mommy's Favorite Christmas Present(s)

Yes, the kids got lots of fun toys for Christmas. However, I wanted to show off MY favorite! Every hunters wife needs one of these pink/camo fleeces! I love it! It is a gift from my mother-in-law, and I told her I will wear it everyday! I think it is the perfect gift for Josh's wife and Caden's mom!

AND this Barbie Jam guitar--actually I bought it for Julia and it has provided much entertainment on these long, cold days. The headset really works, so I turn my worship music LOUD and sing and play the guitar and you can't even hear the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" song it automatically plays over and over and over. I'm sure some of you think I am crazy--OK-I'll admit I am a crazy mom trying to survive the Winter..HA! Anyhow, I LOVE this guitar and my new fleece!