Thursday, September 15, 2011

BLUE today!

Julia has done well at being a new Kindergartener. There have been a few tears-I believe out of tiredness, but overall she has been a big trooper at the rise and shine hour of 6:30 and the bus time of 7:10. Her report everyday is, "Awesome! My day was awesome!!". OK- that is a good enough report for me! Today she took great pride in dressing in "Mommy's favorite color". She wears leggings about every day and her hair in a LOW has to be LOW-or we re-do it!! I am constantly praying for her confidence in knowing how much God loves her....I have seen the fruits of that prayer in her demeanor. No doubt- she is growing up, changeing and blossoming daily! Luv you, JuJu! You are so, so cute in my favorite color!!

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