Monday, February 27, 2012


Sunshine on the inside and the outside! That is how I can describe our Winter. It has been a mild, sun-shiny winter in Southern Iowa...making for our busiest winter of the past 3 years at the Lumberyard. I am so proud of Josh, as his partner in life and at work I have watched him plug away day after day, dream, grow, and keep moving along...despite some set backs and disappointments...he continues to serve the Lord with this business that is our lively-hood! We were just talking about how 10 years ago as Josh started school at UNI as a 24 year old Dad--we never would have guessed that this is where we'd be...guess that goes to show...HE holds the future in HIS hands and HE is faithful,even when we are faithless! Here is a recent Ad for our local paper...just wanted to share, because I am proud of my husband!

I encourage you to support your local businesses! Every dollar invested into your local small community MATTERS! We see it and live it everyday!

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