Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine Breakfast

Our 3rd or 4th (I've lost count!) annual Valentine breakfast, the kids asked if we'd have it on Sunday morning since Valentines Day is on a school day. I enjoy this tradition, because it is my chance to say I Love You on an ordinary day in an un-ordinary way! We invited Josh's Grandma to join us, she gladly accepted the 8 AM breakfast invite and brought the cook a bag of chocolates (I guess those went to Josh, I think they were intended for me...but he was cooking when she walked in the door!!).

The menu included pancakes (made by Dad), whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries, Bacon, Red fruit punch drink, and coffee for the adults (of course!). The girls had stuffed animals on their plates, and Caden a chocolate football. And Grandma Eunice got chocolate kisses on her plate! Oh what fun!!

1 comment:

JAH said...

What a FUN idea! I love your family photo too. You guys are just adorable!