Sunday, October 19, 2008

Update: Challenges for the Heart

Meatloaf and squash tasted so good at lunch today! I think Josh said "Mmmm" like 8 times! We took a heart challenge this week from our church and lived on a diet of rice and beans in an attempt to connect our hearts with the hungry people of the world. We went to bed hungry and woke up early hungry. We were never full or satisfied by food. We ate our meals only to cure the hunger pain but not for enjoyment or for it to be filling. On Wednesday, I ate only rice because the thought of another bean in my mouth made me gag. On Thursday, Josh said "I need some meat!". Thursday was a hard day. I broke down and added chicken and some garden vegetables to the rice and beans at supper and on Friday we cheated by adding some beef.

Amazing...really amazing how the people in Africa and Haiti live on such little food. We realized how mal-nurished their bodies have to be, how many choices we have for food and flavors, and how much time and energy we put into preparing food and enjoying it. Pray for the people of Haiti right now as they are suffering from a recent hurricane. There was a report given in church today from a missionary serving in Haiti that rice and beans is now a "treat" to the people, because of the hurricane damage. It is hard to go back to our regular eating habits, but it is also a good reminder to be thankful of how God meets our needs on a daily basis- whether that be a need for food or for something else-- we rarely have unmet needs!! Our kids rarely have unmet needs!! America is such a great place with opportunities and good soil and weather permittable for growing healthy food. God is faithful to those who chose to trust in Him. I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and to pray for those in the world who have unmet needs and who could also have their hunger satisfied with His Love. Thanks for reading :)

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