Thursday, April 26, 2012


It looks like such a mess that you probably won't believe me when I say this is an answered prayer...yes, my heart was praying for this (even the mess). I am a farmhouse girl...I grew up in one, so that is my excuse for not wanting to change my ways. Luckily, I have an awesome husband whom is completely, without a doubt up for the tasks that the purchase of this farmhouse will require! Closing on the property will not be until Mid-May, however we've been allowed to start "demolition". We are uncovering much character through removing paneling and tile ceilings. Doorways keep popping out! High doorways and you can see where the old trim used to be...check it out! This is what we've been up to in our spare time! The first picture is before we started, the second is the work in-progress!
This is a backdoor...check out the transom above that was covered...
We unveiled what used to be pocket doors...
Don't laugh! My kitchen!!!!! YES, a mess and some structural things need to be done in the ceiling...
More pictures:
Above are two doors that were covered!
Fun, Fun!! A lot of work, but worth it!!!
Stay tuned....I am so giddy!


yoderyears said...

So fun!!

D G Curren said...

Emily, that is great! I am so happy for your family. I grew up in an old farmhouse too that my parents completely gutted themselves and made it theirs. LOVE IT! Keep us posted on the progress!

Brian & Erin Uglum said...

Smiling for you today! I am so glad you are happy! I miss you guys!