Monday, April 2, 2012

Life as we know it....

I have been a horrible blogger, there is a lot going on here. Along with business, baseball starting up for kids, preparing for an Easter drama at church, spring stuf like yard mowing and normal stuf like housework and endless food preparations in the as we know it is likely to about change with our "home" going up for auction on May 1st. With Great Grandma's passing in March her estate will settle through an auction, including her farm where we have lived for exactly 3 years on March 31st! This is "home" and no doors seems to be opening up for us for another "home"....we are searching, searching, weighing options and shaking our heads at God working on our hearts. Yes, the Bible says not to be anxious...but it is hard to not be anxious when a family of 6 needs to move. Yes, the Bible says not to worry...well, it is difficult to not worry when there is a deadline (an auction coming!) and we have to be the highest bidder in order to stay "home". The Bible says not to fear, it is has been a very trying time for us. I'm being honest. God is faithful. We know HE is faithful. We do Trust HIM. HE is doing a mighty work in us and making us stronger. Building our character and our perserverence.

So, just a few pictures of life as we know it. We are extremely blessed to call this "home". It has been a picture, perfect life for the kids. As God closes doors, we fully trust that HE opens another. The waiting is difficult, but our reliance on HIM is at an all time high--I'd say HE has us just where HE wants us!!

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