Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Super Exciting Day....

Knowingly, knowing that we serve a Faithful God...A God whom gives His people the desires of their hearts...Whom provides for our every need and hears our prayers...I cannot say that I am surprised by our exciting day yesterday...However, with the heaviness that we were carrying not knowing what would happen for our housing it is pure relief and joy to say that God officially showed us just what we were looking for! Yesterday (at an auction) Josh purchased a property that we will be calling "home"...a 5 bedroom, 2 story farmhouse on 11 acres...he cannot quit smiling! Best of all (besides that we can't quit smiling), it was a super decent price (only one other bidder, whom quickly backed off!), it is on a 1/2 mile driveway lane off the highway, 1/4 mile from the town of Bloomfield where the kids are in school and such activities (yes, the driveway is longer than the highway trip into town..SWEET!) Josh figured that we are saving the kids 4000 hours a piece in bus time over the next 10 years and instructed them each to find a new hobby with their new found time!!! We are so excited for the chickens and the dog (yes, it is possible to be excited to show animals their new life!). Noelle wanted to be the first to tell the dog!! The kids are going to scream when they see their HUGE rooms! (The 3 girls share one now...they will be in shock! Little Noelle might get lost in hers!) This is a square, sturdy old house built in will need some renovations, I'm pretty sure we know just where to get the building materials!

So, we wrapped up the day yesterday with a "Thank You, Lord", a high five, and a good nights sleep!!

A special Thank you to those of you praying with us along this journey!!

Stay tuned....


Lincoln and Lindsay, Griffin and Gable said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys :-) Sounds like a cool place.

Jen Freed said...

Oh Emily- I just checked your blog and I am so excited for you guys! Love checking your blog and seeing how big your kids are. I still think Noelle is a baby! Miss you!Jen Freed