Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kids busy at our house...

We have been busier than usual, because I watched my girlfriends two kids while she and her husband took an overnight trip to a retreat. I am pretty sure that I am not a mom cut out for 6 kids! I did not sit down or barely leave the kitchen! It was worth it for my friend to have a getaway! They all played good together and slept good at night and overall we had a wonderful time!!
I made a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough and let them make heart cookies.

This is silly Ella

And silly Nathan (with silly Ella in the background. She had her face in this slinky for so long, Josh was seriously worried that she was stuck in the slinky...but then she started laughing.)

And stickers on the nose--Macy's idea.

Noelle and Ella are buddies. They are very close in age and have funny conversations.

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